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'Intern'al: Fresh Eyes on Editing

A fresh take on the editing process, as the interns lend perspective.

'Intern'al: Fresh Eyes on Editing

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The staff at takes plenty of pride in our expertise, but sometimes we know we need to take a step back. Instead of a deep dive into technical details, some folks might need a more introductory primer to various aspects of the process. In our occasional 'Intern'al series, we bring in fresh eyes (our interns) to research and compile things from a beginner's perspective.

Today, a quick hit on the basic choices around editing:

Editing a podcast episode is a tedious process that demands time and attention to detail. While the duration of the editing can vary depending on factors such as the length of the recording, the complexity of the content, and the editor's proficiency, understanding the typical timeline for editing can help podcast creators manage their expectations and plan their production schedules effectively. According to insights gathered from various sources, including Westbury Media, The Podcast Host, and Podcast Engineering School, the time required to edit a podcast episode can range from a few hours to several days.

The first thing to consider when estimating editing time is the length of the recording. As a general rule, editing one hour of raw audio content typically takes anywhere from two to four hours. This estimate encompasses tasks such as removing mistakes, trimming pauses, adjusting volume levels, and adding music or sound effects. However, the complexity of the content plays a significant role in determining editing duration. A straightforward conversation between two hosts might require minimal editing, while a narrative-driven podcast with multiple segments, interviews, and intricate audio elements could demand much more time and effort.

The skill level and efficiency of the editor can significantly impact editing time. Experienced editors who are familiar with editing software may complete tasks more swiftly than those who are still crafting their skills. It's essential to recognize that the editing process is not solely about technical adjustments; it also involves enhancing the overall listening experience. This includes ensuring clarity in communication, maintaining pacing and flow, and emphasizing the podcast's unique tone and style.

Despite the variability in editing time, organizing an efficient approach can help ensure the process moves along swiftly. Breaking down the editing tasks into manageable components, setting realistic deadlines, and utilizing automation tools where possible can all contribute to greater efficiency. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes to fully edit a podcast episode, understanding the factors that influence editing time can provide valuable insights for podcast creators. By using time and resources efficiently in the editing process and continuously refining their skills, podcasters can produce high-quality content that resonates with their audience.

