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Building An Audience: an 'Intern'al Look

A primer to identify, build and engage your audience.

Building An Audience: an 'Intern'al Look

Table of Contents

We set the interns loose again, with orders to put together a primer on how to get your podcast seen, followed and even making money. Here's their summary:

How do you get people to watch/listen to your podcast?

Podcasts are a great way for sharing stories, ideas, and laughs. But, getting people to listen  can be the hardest part of the whole process. Luckily, there are some tricks you can use to grow your audience and a variety of sources from Buffer, Mention, and, that helped to answer these questions.

First, and potentially the most important, is to make sure to choose an interesting topic to structure your show around. Buffer says you have to create content that people actually want to listen to not only once, but on a continual basis. Whether it’s funny stories, deep conversations, or useful tips, make sure it’s something your audience will love.

Once you’ve selected your topic and started building a backlog, you need to start broadcasting your work. Mention suggests using social media, among other avenues, to get the word out. Sharing sneak peeks, posting fun facts, and prompting questions to get people curious about your podcast as well as engaging with your content.  Another way to spark interest in viewers is to bring other podcasters or special guests onto your podcast, which not only provides a fresh perspective to your listeners but also exposes your show to a whole new audience. 

No matter how effective your content is, it’s effect is minimal if your show doesn’t have great visibility. recommends using the keywords and catchy titles to help people discover your podcast on platforms like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. The easier it is to find, the more people your show has the opportunity to reach. 

After you have reached your audience, you also need them to continue to come back to your podcast. So, engaging with your audience will encourage them to want to keep watching and following the show. Encourage them to leave reviews, share their thoughts, and join the conversation on social media along with subscribing to all of the channels.  Building a community around your podcast will keep people coming back.

What topics make viewers more likely to listen?

In the world of podcasting, picking the right topics can make or break your show. I've checked out some interesting sources like Restream, Buzzsprout, and to figure out what kinds of topics really get listeners excited.

One thing they all agree on is that it's smart to focus on niche stuff. Things that aren't super mainstream but have a dedicated fanbase. So, instead of talking about general music, you could have a podcast all about rare vinyl records. That way, you're targeting people who are super into that specific thing and are more likely to tune in.

Buzzsprout also says it's cool to talk about stuff that's not usually covered. Imagine doing a podcast on forgotten inventions or busting common myths. People love learning new things, especially when it's something they haven't heard a million times before.

Staying up-to-date with what's going on in the world is key, according to Talking about trending topics or hot issues keeps your podcast relevant. For example, you could explore how technology affects mental health, which is something a lot of people are thinking about these days.

There are tons of ideas out there. From self-help tips to thrilling true crime stories, there's no limitations to what your podcast can be about. The trick is to pick topics that you're passionate about and that you think your listeners will enjoy and interact with.

So, when it comes to making a trending podcast, it's all about finding topics that grab people's attention. Whether you're diving into a niche interest, exploring uncharted territory, or tackling current events, the key is to keep it interesting and make listeners want to keep coming back for more episodes.

Creating engaging content, spread the word on social media, increasing the show visibility, and keep your listeners engaged are some of the simplest, most effective ways to grow your podcast. 

What's the best form of advertising for a podcast?

In today's world, getting your podcast noticed is tough with so many others out there. That's where smart advertising comes in, and social media is the best way to do it. Through sources it helps understand why platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are your podcast's best friends by drawing ideas by Castos,, and Rachel Corbett.

Social media is the best way for finding potential listeners. Castos says “it's where the party's at” with billions of people scrolling away. So, it's no surprise that running ads there can help you catch the eye of people who are interested in what you're sharing. A plus to using social media is that ads let you target specific groups of people. talks about how you can aim your ads at people who are most likely to enjoy your podcast.

But it's not just about telling just anyone; it's about sparking conversations. Rachel Corbett says that chatting with your audience on social media can make them feel like part of your podcast. Sharing memories, replying to comments, and posting sneak peeks can make your listeners more likely to stick around.

So, when it comes to promoting your podcast, don't skip social media or social media ads. They're the easiest way to get your show in front of the right people.

